[root@localhost nfs]$ top -h
top: invalid option -- 'h'
BusyBox v1.24.1 (2022-12-08 15:49:07 KST) multi-call binary.
Usage: top [-b] [-nCOUNT] [-dSECONDS] [-m]
Provide a view of process activity in real time.
Read the status of all processes from /proc each SECONDS
and display a screenful of them.
N/M/P/T: show CPU usage, sort by pid/mem/cpu/time
S: show memory
R: reverse sort
H: toggle threads, 1: toggle SMP
Q,^C: exit
-b Batch mode
-n N Exit after N iterations
-d N Delay between updates
-m Same as 's' key
[root@localhost nfs]$ top --help
BusyBox v1.24.1 (2022-12-08 15:49:07 KST) multi-call binary.
Usage: top [-b] [-nCOUNT] [-dSECONDS] [-m]
Provide a view of process activity in real time.
Read the status of all processes from /proc each SECONDS
and display a screenful of them.
N/M/P/T: show CPU usage, sort by pid/mem/cpu/time
S: show memory
R: reverse sort
H: toggle threads, 1: toggle SMP
Q,^C: exit
-b Batch mode
-n N Exit after N iterations
-d N Delay between updates
-m Same as 's' key
top help (BusyBox v1.24.1 )
2022. 12. 19. 12:02