- man vmstat 2010.03.19
- Activiy 전환하기(androidside.com - 온라인스터디 과제) 2010.03.19
- 계산기 레이아웃(androidside.com - 온라인 스터디) 2010.03.19
- 네이트온 설치과정...ㅠㅠ.. 2010.03.07
- 오픈오피스 3.2.0 한글판 출시 설치 한번 해봄.. 2010.02.27
- 우분투 에서 virtualdub(wine) 사용. 2010.02.25
- man script 2009.11.23
- nano-X config에서 xconfigure 실행시 bash error... 2009.01.12 3
- readme 2009.01.12
- Did you know... 2009.01.05
man vmstat
Activiy 전환하기(androidside.com - 온라인스터디 과제)
계산기 레이아웃(androidside.com - 온라인 스터디)
네이트온 설치과정...ㅠㅠ..
윈도우즈 새로 설치한 후에 네이트온 설치하는 중에...주소창 검색 프로그램이 보여서..포스팅..
1. 다운 받은 설치 파일 실행 하면 제일 먼저 나타나는 화면. 네이트 주소창 검색 프로그램을 설치할것이라는 경고(?)를 보여주고 있음..
2.빨간 네모 박스..ㅠㅠ..너무나 잘보이는 ...
3. 전체 설치 VS 사용자 정의 설치 차이는 설치될 디렉토리를 변경할 수 있는것 외에 특별한건 없다.
4. 사용자 정의 설치를 선택하고 진행.
5. 변경하지는 않고 그냥 다음..클릭..
6.기능 선택하고 자시고 할것 없이 그냥 다음 ㄱㄱ
7. 엄청 어려운 설정(?) 이 끝나고 설치 준비가 되었다고 알려줌..
8. 설치중...순간적으로 캡쳐했는데..nateon.exe가 잡혔네요..ㅎㅎ
9. 사용자의 선택에 따라 선택하고 다음..ㄱㄱ...
10. 드디어 길고 긴 설치과정 완료...ㅠㅠ..
완료...채팅이나 하러..ㄱㄱ..
오픈오피스 3.2.0 한글판 출시 설치 한번 해봄..
우분투 에서 virtualdub(wine) 사용.
man script
SCRIPT(1) BSD General Commands Manual SCRIPT(1)
script - 터미날에서 발생하는 모든 세션을 기록한다.
script [-a] [파일]
Script 명령은 터미날에서 보여지는 모든 내용을 파일에 기록한다. 이것은 쉘에서의 사용
자와 컴과의 작업 상태를 기록하고, 그것을 다시 살펴 보아야할 경우에 아주 유용하게 쓰인
다. 또한 파이프 기능을 이용하여 다른 작업을 하고 있으면서이 기록 내용을 인쇄할 수도
파일인자가 있으면, 그 파일에 모든 내용을 기록하고, 없으면, typescript 파일에 기록한
-a 새로 기록하는 것이 아니라, 이미 있는 file 에나, typescript 파일에 내용을 덧붙
script를 마치기 위해서는쉘 종료를 호출하면 된다. (대게 exit, logout, ^D)
vi(1) 와 같은 터미날의 출력을 사용하는 풀그림의 사용도그대로 기록된다. 이때는 조금 지
저분하게 보일 것이다. script 명령은 현재 창, 화면에 대한 내용만 기록한다. 즉, 한 터
미날의 모든 출력을 그대로 기록한다.
다음은 script에서 사용되는 환경변수들이다:
SHELL 이 값이 지정되어 있으면, script에서 사용할 쉘로이것을 사용하고, 지정되어 있지
않으면, /bin/sh로 가정한다.
관련 항목
csh(1) (사용내역(history) 처리 부분을 참조)
script 명령은 3.0BSD 시스템에서 처음 나타났다.
script 명령은 앞에서 말했듯이 터미날로 출력되는 모든 것을기록하기 때문에, 각종 특수문
자(줄바꿈문자, 백스페이스, 안시..)들을그대로 기록한다.
4th Berkeley Distribution July 27, 1991 4th Berkeley Distribution
nano-X config에서 xconfigure 실행시 bash error...
bash: ./xconfigure: /usr/bin/wish: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
-_-;;덴장...wish...이게 뭐야...
흠...바로 구글링~
제대로 알려주는 곳은 없고....아니면 내가 못 찾은건가..
어쨌든 중국에 있는(?) 사이트에서 提tcl/tk?????뭐라고 되어 있길래...
아..tcl/tk 가 있어야 하는구나...싶어서..
yum search tck/tk...했더니..자르르륵.ㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱ.. ㅠㅠ
암튼 ..
tcl-8.5.2 와 tk-8.5.2 를 설치...하고..
#./xconfigure 엔터...
짠~ ㅎㅎㅎ
이제 부터 시작인가...흠...
The Irrlicht Engine SDK version 1.5
Irrlicht Engine SDK의 사용을 환영합니다.
이 파일의 내용:
1. Directory Structure Overview
2. How To Start
3. Requirements
4. Release Notes
5. License
6. Contact
1. Directory Structure Overview
SDK의 압축을 해제 후 몇몇의 디렉토리들을 볼 것이다. 이들은 :
\bin 컴파일된 Irrlicht.DLL 라이브러리와 몇개의 컴파일된 데모 와 예제 어플리케이션들,
그것들을 보기 위해선 시작하면 Irrlicht 엔진이 동작 중에 시작한 하면 된다. 윈도우즈만.
\doc Irricht 문서들.
\examples Examples and tutorials showing how to use the engine with
\example.net Examples and tutorials showing how to use the engine with
.NET languages.
\exporters Exporters and tools for various 3D modelling packages. There
is a readme file with more details in the directory.
\include Header files to include when programming with the engine.
\lib Libs to link with your programs when using the engine.
\media Graphics and sound resources for the demo applications and
\source The source code of the Irrlicht Engine. This code is
not needed to develop applications with the engine,
but it is included to enable recompilation and
debugging, if necessary.
\tools Useful tools (with sourcecode) for the engine.
2. How to start
To see the engine in action in Windows, just go to the \bin\Win32-VisualStudio
directory, and start some applications. There should also be an
application named Demo.exe which should show the most
interesting features of Irrlicht.
To start developing own applications and games with the engine take
a look at the 01.HelloWorld example in the \examples directory.
There is also a .html file with a tutorial which should be
easily comprehensible.
The Irrlicht Engine is a static lib under linux. A precompiled version can be
generated from the sources using the Makefile in source/Irrlicht. Unzip the
file source.zip in the /source directory. Run 'make' in the newly created
subfolder source/Irrlicht. After this you should be able to 'make' all
example applications in /examples. You can run the examples directly from the
directory they are created in.
It is also possible to use Irrlicht as shared object
(libIrrlicht.so.versionNumber). Use the proper makefile target for this by
running 'make sharedlib' in the source folder. See the Makefile for details.
For OSX you can find an XCode project file in source/Irrlicht/MacOSX. This will
build the libIrrlicht.a library necessary to create the apps.
3. Requirements
You can use one of the following compilers/IDEs to develop applications
with Irrlicht or recompile the engine. However, other compilers/IDEs may
work as well, we simply didn't test them.
* gcc 3.3
* gcc 3.4
* gcc 4.x
* Visual Studio.NET 2003 (7.1)
* Visual Studio 2005 (8.0)
* Visual Studio 2008 (9.0)
* Code::Blocks 1.0 (& gcc or visual studio toolkit)
* DevC++ 5.0 & gcc (project files included)
If you ever want to (re)compile the engine yourself (which means you don't
want to use the precompiled version) you need the following:
* Windows:
* Needed: PlatformSDK (which usually comes with all IDEs, download
it separately for MSVC Express 2005)
* Optional: DirectX SDK, for D3D9 support
* Optional: DirectX SDK prior to May 2006, for D3D8 support
* Linux:
* Needed: XServer with include files
* Optional: OpenGL headers and libraries (libGL.so), for OpenGL support
* GLX + XF86VidMode or XRandr extension (X11 support libraries,
the latter two for fullscreen mode)
* OSX:
* Needed: XCode and Cocoa framework
* Needed: OpenGL headers and libraries
4. Release Notes
Informations about changes in this new version of the engine can be
found in changes.txt.
Please note that the textures, 3D models and levels are copyright
by their authors and not covered by the Irrlicht engine license.
5. License
The license of the Irrlicht Engine is based on the zlib/libpng license.
Even though this license does not require you to mention that you are
using the Irrlicht Engine in your product, an acknowledgement
would be highly appreciated.
Please note that the Irrlicht Engine is based in part on the work of
the Independent JPEG Group, the zlib, and libpng. This means that if you use
the Irrlicht Engine in your product, you must acknowledge somewhere
in your documentation that you've used the IJG code and libpng. It would
also be nice to mention that you use the Irrlicht Engine and the zlib.
See the README files in the jpeglib and the zlib for
further informations.
The Irrlicht Engine License
Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Nikolaus Gebhardt
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgement in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be clearly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
6. Contact
If you have problems, questions or suggestions, please visit the
official homepage of the Irrlicht Engine:
You will find forums, bugtrackers, patches, tutorials, and other stuff
which will help you out.
If want to contact the team of the engine, please send an email to
Nikolaus Gebhardt:
Please also not that parts of the engine have been written or contributed
by other people. Especially: (There are probably more people, sorry if I forgot one.
See http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/author.html for more informations)
Christian Stehno (hybrid) Contribution Coordinator/Developer
Gareth Davidson (bitplane) Developer/ Forum admin
Thomas Alten (burningwater) Wrote the burningsvideo software rasterizer
Luke P. Hoschke (luke) Wrote the b3d loader, the new animation system, VBOs and other things
Colin MacDonald (rogerborg)
Dean Wadsworth (varmint) OSX port maintainer and game developer
Alvaro F. Celis (afecelis) Lots of work in the community, for example video tutorials about Irrlicht, forum admin
John Goewert (Saigumi) Wrote some tutorials for the Irrlicht Engine and doing admin stuff
Jam Takes care of moderating the forums and keeps them clean from those evil spammers.
Etienne Petitjean wrote the MacPort of the engine
Mark Jeacocke Wrote lots of helpful comments and ideas in the forums and per email.
Julio Gorg?Created the 'Unofficial DirectX 9.0 Driver for the Irrlicht Engine'
Andy Spurgeon Wrote the Dev-Cpp tutorial.
Andr?Simon Wrote the Codewarrior tutorial.
KnightToFlight Created the unoffical terrain renderer addon for the Irrlicht Engine.
Jon Pry Wrote the code to load compressed TGA files.
Matthew Couch Wrote the tokamak integration tutorial.
Max Winkel Wrote the splitscreen tutorial.
Gorgon Zola Wrote the ODE integration tutorial.
Dean P. Macri Sent in code for curved surfaces and PCX Loading.
Sirshane Made several bug fixes, sent in code for making the mouse cursor invisible in Linux.
Matthias Gall Sent in code for a spline scene node animator and reported lots of bugs.
Mario Gruber Suggested triangle fan drawing and sent in code for this.
Ariaci Spotted out a bug in the ATI driver.
Dr Andros C Bragianos Improved texture mapping in cube scene node.
Philipp Dortmann Sent in code for stencil buffer support for OpenGL.
Jerome Nichols Created the Irrlicht/Ruby interface located at irr.rubyforge.org
Vash TheStampede Sent code for missing Draw2DLine() implementations
MattyBoy XBOX support suggestions
Oliver Klems createImageFromData() method suggestion/implementation
Jox really, really a lot of bug fixes, and the LMTS file loader
Zola Quaternion method additions
Tomasz Nowakowski various bug fixes
Nicholas Bray stencil shadow bug fixes with OpenGL
REAPER mouswheel events for scrollbar
Calimero various bug fixes like vector2d operators
Haddock bugfix in the linked list
G.o.D XML parser fix
Erik Zilli Translated some of the tutorials from my stuttering english into real english. :)
Martin Piskernig Linux bugfixing and testing
Soconne Wrote the original terrain renderer were Irrlichts terrain renderer of Irrlicht is based on it.
Spintz GeoMipMap scene node, terrain renderer of Irrlicht is based on it.
Murphy McCauley OCT file loader, MIM tools
Saurav Mohapatra IrrCSM, and lots of addons, suggestions and bug reports
Zhuck Dimitry My3D Tools
Terry Welsh Allowed me to use the textures of his 'Parallax Mapping with Offset Limiting' paper for the parallax demo of Irrlicht
rt Wrote the original .png loader for Irrlicht
Salvatore Russo Wrote the original .dmf loader for Irrlicht
Vox Various bug reports and fixes
atomice Contributed code for a ms3d loader enhancement
William Finlayson OpenGL RTT, GLSL support and the reflection 2 layer material for OpenGL.
Delight Various code contributions for Irrlicht.NET (particle system, basic shader support and more)
Michael Zoech Improved GLSL support
Greg Roelofs Created the zlib and libpng
Guy Eric Schalnat, Andreas Dilger, Glenn Randers-Pehrson and others Created libpng
The Independent JPEG Group Created JPEG lib
Did you know...
당신은 알고 있나요?
Welcome to Visual Assist X!
VAX 사용(?)을 환영합니다
Visual Assist X parses all of your header and source files the first time you open a project.
VAX는 당신이 프로젝트를 처음 열 때 모든 헤더와 소스 파일을 분석합니다.
This means you get meaningful assistance as you edit.
이것은 당신이 편집할때 중요한 보조를 가지는 것을 의미합니다.
If parsing has already started, we recommend you browse these tips until it completes.
분석이 이미 시작되었다면, 우리는 분석이 완료될 때까지 당신이 이 팁들을 찾아보기를 추천합니다.
Otherwise, parsing begins after you close these tips and open a project.
그렇지 않으면, 당신이 이 팁들을 닫고 프로젝트를 연 후에 파싱은 시작될 것입니다.
Visual Assist X comes alive when the parsing completes, and it stores parsed information so future startups occur at normal speed.
VAX는 파싱이 완료되었을때 활기를 띨 것입니다, 그리고 분석된 정보를 저장하고 그래서 다음 시작은 정상 속도가 될 것입니다.
Enjoy your trial.
즐기세요 당신의 시도를...