fedora9 에서 gnome 사용하다가
kde라이브 시디로 부팅을 해봤는데 맘에 들어서
변경해보기로 했다..

흠..이래 저래 검색 해봤는데...
예전에는 console 에서 kde 하면 시작되는거 같았는데...좀 바꼈나보다..

눈에 띄는건 switchdesk 를 이용하는 방법인데...

yum info를 통해 switchdesk 정보를 볼수있다...
깨진 글자는 한글로 나오는 건데..복사를 하니 제대로 출력되지 않는듯..
$yum info switchdesk
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
Available Packages
Name       : switchdesk
Arch       : noarch
Version    : 4.0.9
Release    : 2
Size       : 16 k
Repo       : fedora
Summary    : GNOME, KDE?€ AnotherLevel?먯꽌 ?ъ슜?섎뒗 ?곗뒪?ы깙 ?섍꼍 ?꾪솚 ?꾨줈洹몃옩.
License    : GPL
Description: The Desktop Switcher is a tool which enables users to easily switch
           : between various desktop environments that they have installed.  The
           : tool includes support for KDE, GNOME, XFce4 and twm.  Support for
           : different environments on different computers is available, as well
           : as support for setting a global default environment.  Install
           : switchdesk if you need a tool for switching between desktop
           : environments.

yum을 이용해 switchdesk를 설치한다..
$ su
#yum -y install switchdesk
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
updates-newkey                                           | 2.3 kB     00:00    
primary.sqlite.bz2                                       | 3.3 MB     00:08    
fedora                                                   | 2.4 kB     00:00    
updates                                                  | 2.6 kB     00:00    
freshrpms                                                | 2.4 kB     00:00    
primary.sqlite.bz2                                       | 116 kB     00:01    
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package switchdesk.noarch 0:4.0.9-2 set to be updated
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 Package              Arch             Version           Repository       Size
 switchdesk           noarch           4.0.9-2           fedora            16 k

Transaction Summary
Install      1 Package(s)        
Update       0 Package(s)        
Remove       0 Package(s)        

Total download size: 16 k
Downloading Packages:
switchdesk-4.0.9-2.noarch.rpm                            |  16 kB     00:00    
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Finished Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
  Installing     : switchdesk                                        [1/1]

Installed: switchdesk.noarch 0:4.0.9-2

$switchdesk kde

하면 된다...아..물론 kde 가 인스톨되어 있어야 한다..
KDE가 설치 되지 않았으면 친절하게도 설치하라고 알려준다..-_-;
그래서 시키는 대로 타이핑...

#yum -y groupinstall "KDE Software Development"
Total download size:168M
Download packages:
헉....설치될 용량이 좀 되는듯...10분동안 다운로드....-_-;
굳이 이렇게 왕창 다 설치할 필요는 없는듯....
kdebase만 설치해도 됨...


$yum groupinfo "KDE Software Development"
개발환경이란다..Qt와 KDE용 그래픽 응용프로그램 개발자가 아니라면 굳이 모두 설치할 필요는 없다...

#yum install kdebase
만 설치 해도된다...

gnome 스샷...switchdesk 인포를 보고 있는...

switchdesk 설치후에 로그아웃..
하단에 세션에 KDE가 보임..

세션을 KDE로 로긴..


뭐..어딜 가나 한글은 잘 보이질 않는다...
흠...대한민국은 영어권인가...ㅠㅠ

얼마전에 ie8나왔다고 해서 설치해보았는데...
tistory에서 글쓰기가 아주 혼란스럽게 되어 버렸네요...
커스 위치를 찾기 힘들게 이러저리 왔다리 갔다리 하네요...

에효..ie8 문제인지 내 컴의 문제인지...ㅠㅠ


페도라 부팅 USB를 만드는 툴이 있길래 사용해 보았다...
링크를 참고하여 다운로드 받거나 문서를 볼수 있다...


브라우즈 버튼을 눌러 다운로드 받은 Fedora-9-i386-netinst.iso 을 선택하고 Create Live USB 버튼를 선택

완료된 모습...

.바이오스에서 USB를 부팅 시퀀스에 올린후 부팅해보자~

File: *manpages*,  Node: yum,  Up: (dir)

yum(8)                                                                  yum(8)

       yum - Yellowdog Updater Modified

       yum [options] [command] [package ...]

       yum is an interactive, rpm based, package manager. It can automatically
       perform system updates, including dependancy analysis and obsolete pro-
       cessing  based  on "repository" metadata. It can also perform installa-
       tion of new packages, removal of old packages and  perform  queries  on
       the  installed and/or available packages among many other commands/ser-
       vices (see below). yum is similar to other high level package  managers
       like apt-get and smart.

       While  there  are  some  graphical interfaces directly to the yum code,
       more recent graphical interface development  is  happening  with  Pack-
       ageKit and the gnome-packagekit application.

       command is one of:
        * install package1 [package2] [...]
        * update [package1] [package2] [...]
        * check-update
        * upgrade [package1] [package2] [...]
        * remove | erase package1 [package2] [...]
        * list [...]
        * info [...]
        * provides | whatprovides feature1 [feature2] [...]
        * clean [ packages | headers | metadata | dbcache | all ]
        * makecache
        * groupinstall group1 [group2] [...]
        * groupupdate group1 [group2] [...]
        * grouplist [hidden]
        * groupremove group1 [group2] [...]
        * groupinfo group1 [...]
        * search string1 [string2] [...]
        * shell [filename]
        * resolvedep dep1 [dep2] [...]
        * localinstall rpmfile1 [rpmfile2] [...]
        * localupdate rpmfile1 [rpmfile2] [...]
        * deplist package1 [package2] [...]
        * repolist [all|enabled|disabled]
        * help [command]

       Unless the --help or -h option is given, one of the above commands must
       be present.

       Repository configuration is honored in all operations.

              Is used to install the latest version of a package or  group  of
              packages while ensuring that all dependencies are satisfied.  If
              no package matches the given package name(s), they  are  assumed
              to be a shell glob and any matches are then installed.

       update If  run without any packages, update will update every currently
              installed package.  If one or more packages are  specified,  Yum
              will  only update the listed packages.  While updating packages,
              yum will ensure that all  dependencies  are  satisfied.   If  no
              package  matches  the given package name(s), they are assumed to
              be a shell glob and any matches are then installed.

              If the --obsoletes flag is  present  yum  will  include  package
              obsoletes  in  its  calculations - this makes it better for dis-
              tro-version changes, for example: upgrading from  somelinux  8.0
              to somelinux 9.

              Implemented  so  you  could know if your machine had any updates
              that needed to be  applied  without  running  it  interactively.
              Returns exit value of 100 if there are packages available for an
              update. Also returns a list of the pkgs to be  updated  in  list
              format.  Returns  0  if  no  packages  are available for update.
              Returns 1 if an error occured.

              Is the same as the update command with the --obsoletes flag set.
              See update for more details.

       remove or erase
              Are  used  to  remove  the specified packages from the system as
              well as removing any packages which depend on the package  being

       list   Is  used  to  list various information about available packages;
              more complete details are available in the List Options  section

       provides or whatprovides
              Is used to find out which package provides some feature or file.
              Just use a specific name or a file-glob-syntax wildcards to list
              the packages available or installed that provide that feature or

       search Is used to find any packages matching a string in  the  descrip-
              tion,  summary  and  package  name  fields of an rpm. Useful for
              finding a package you do not know by name but know by some  word
              related to it.

       info   Is  used  to  list  a  description and summary information about
              available packages; takes the same  arguments  as  in  the  List
              Options section below.

       clean  Is  used  to clean up various things which accumulate in the yum
              cache directory over time.  More complete details can  be  found
              in the Clean Options section below.

              Is  used  to  download  and make usable all the metadata for the
              currently enabled yum repos.

              Is used to install all of the individual packages in a group, of
              the  specified types (this works as if you'd taken each of those
              package names and put them  on  the  command  line  for  a  "yum
              install" command).
               The  group_package_types  configuration  option specifies which
              types will be installed.

              Is just an alias for groupinstall, which will do the right thing
              because  "yum  install  X" and "yum update X" do the same thing,
              when X is already installed.

              Is used to list the available groups from all yum repos.  Groups
              are   marked  as  "installed"  if  all  mandatory  packages  are
              installed, or if a group doesn't  have  any  mandatory  packages
              then  it  is installed if any of the optional or default package
              are installed.  The optional "hidden" argument  will  also  list
              groups marked as not being "user visible".

              Is  used  to  remove  all  of  the  pacakges  in a group, unlike
              "groupinstall"  this  will  remove  everything   regardless   of
              group_package_types.  It is worth pointing out that packages can
              be in more than one group, so "groupinstall  X  Y"  followed  by
              "groupremove  Y"  does  not  do  give  you  the  same  result as
              "groupinstall X".

              Is used to give the description and package list of a group (and
              which  type those packages are marked as). Note that you can use
              the yum-filter-data and yum-list-data  plugins  to  get/use  the
              data  the  other  way  around (Ie. what groups own packages need

       shell  Is used to enter the 'yum shell', when a filename  is  specified
              the  contents  of  that  file is executed in yum shell mode. See
              yum-shell(8) for more info

              Is used to list packages providing the  specified  dependencies,
              at most one package is listed per dependency.

              Is  used  to  install  a set of local rpm files. If required the
              enabled repositories will be used to resolve dependencies.

              Is used to update the system by specifying local rpm files. Only
              the  specified  rpm  files  of which an older version is already
              installed will be installed, the  remaining  specified  packages
              will  be  ignored.  If required the enabled repositories will be
              used to resolve dependencies.

              Produces a list of all dependencies and  what  packages  provide
              those dependencies for the given packages.

              Produces  a  list  of configured repositories. The default is to
              list all enabled repositories.

       help   Produces help, either for all commands or  if  given  a  command
              name then the help for that particular command.

       Most  command  line  options can be set using the configuration file as
       well and the descriptions indicate the necessary  configuration  option
       to set.

       -h, --help
              Help; display a help message and then quit.

       -y     Assume  yes;  assume that the answer to any question which would
              be asked is yes.
              Configuration Option: assumeyes

       -c [config file]
              Specifies the config file location - can take http, ftp urls and
              local file paths.

       -q, --quiet
              Run without output.  Note that you likely also want to use -y.

       -v, --verbose
              Run with a lot of debugging output.

       -d [number]
              Sets  the  debugging  level  to  [number] - turns up or down the
              amount of things that are printed. Practical range: 0 - 10
              Configuration Option: debuglevel

       -e [number]
              Sets the error level to [number] Practical range 0 - 10. 0 means
              print only critical errors about which you must be told. 1 means
              print all errors, even ones that are not  overly  important.  1+
              means print more errors (if any) -e 0 is good for cron jobs.
              Configuration Option: errorlevel

       -R [time in minutes]
              Sets  the maximum amount of time yum will wait before performing
              a command - it randomizes over the time.

       -C     Tells yum to run entirely from cache  -  does  not  download  or
              update  any  headers  unless  it has to to perform the requested

              Reports the yum version number and exits.

              Doesn't limit packages to their latest  versions  in  the  info,
              list and search commands (will also affect plugins which use the
              doPackageLists() API).

              Specifies an alternative  installroot,  relative  to  which  all
              packages will be installed.
              Configuration Option: installroot

              Enables  specific repositories by id or glob that have been dis-
              abled in the configuration file using the enabled=0 option.
              Configuration Option: enabled

              Disables specific repositories by id or glob.
              Configuration Option: enabled

              This option only has affect for  an  update,  it  enables  yum?s
              obsoletes  processing logic. For more information see the update
              command above.
              Configuration Option: obsoletes

       -x, --exclude=package
              Exclude a specific package by name or glob from updates  on  all
              repositories.  Configuration Option: exclude

              Disable  the excludes defined in your config files. Takes one of
              three options:
              all == disable all excludes
              main == disable excludes defined in [main] in yum.conf
              repoid == disable excludes defined for that repo

              Run with one or more plugins disabled, the argument is  a  comma
              seperated list of wildcards to match against plugin names.

              Run with all plugins disabled.
              Configuration Option: plugins

              Run with gpg signature checking disabled.
              Configuration Option: gpgcheck

              Resolve  depsolve problems by removing packages that are causing
              problems from the transaction.
              Configuration Option: skip_broken

       -t, --tolerant
              This option currently does nothing.

       The following are the ways which you can invoke yum in list mode.  Note
       that  all list commands include information on the version of the pack-

       yum list [all | glob_exp1] [glob_exp2] [...]
              List all available and installed packages.

       yum list available [glob_exp1] [...]
              List all packages  in  the  yum  repositories  available  to  be

       yum list updates [glob_exp1] [...]
              List  all  packages  with updates available in the yum reposito-

       yum list installed [glob_exp1] [...]
              List the packages specified by args.  If an  argument  does  not
              match  the  name  of an available package, it is assumed to be a
              shell-style glob and any matches are printed.

       yum list extras [glob_exp1] [...]
              List the packages installed on the system that are not available
              in any yum repository listed in the config file.

       yum list obsoletes [glob_exp1] [...]
              List  the packages installed on the system that are obsoleted by
              packages in any yum repository listed in the config file.

       yum list recent
              List packages recently added into the repositories.

       Specifying package names
              All the list options mentioned above take file-glob-syntax wild-
              cards or package names as arguments, for example yum list avail-
              able 'foo*' will list all available packages that match  'foo*'.
              (The  single  quotes  will  keep  your  shell from expanding the

       The following are the ways which you can invoke yum in clean mode. Note
       that  "all  files"  in the commands below means "all files in currently
       enabled repositories".  If you want to  also  clean  any  (temporarily)
       disabled repositories you need to use --enablerepo='*' option.

       yum clean packages
              Eliminate  any cached packages from the system.  Note that pack-
              ages are not automatically deleted after they are downloaded.

       yum clean headers
              Eliminate all of the header files which yum uses for  dependency

       yum clean metadata
              Eliminate  all  of  the  files  which  yum uses to determine the
              remote availability of packages. Using this  option  will  force
              yum to download all the metadata the next time it is run.

       yum clean dbcache
              Eliminate  the  sqlite cache used for faster access to metadata.
              Using this option will force yum to recreate the cache the  next
              time it is run.

       yum clean all
              Runs  yum  clean packages and yum clean headers, yum clean meta-
              data and yum clean dbcache as above.

       Specifying package names
              A package can be referred to for install,update,list,remove  etc
              with any of the following:


              For example: yum remove kernel-2.4.1-10.i686

       Yum  can  be  extended through the use of plugins. A plugin is a Python
       ".py" file which is installed in one of the  directories  specified  by
       the  pluginpath option in yum.conf. For a plugin to work, the following
       conditions must be met:

       1. The plugin module file must be installed in the plugin path as  just

       2. The global plugins option in /etc/yum/yum.conf must be set to '1'.

       3.  A  configuration file for the plugin must exist in /etc/yum/plugin-
       conf.d/<plugin_name>.conf and the enabled setting in this file must set
       to '1'. The minimal content for such a configuration file is:

              enabled = 1

       See  the  yum.conf(5)  man  page for more information on plugin related
       configuration options.


       pkcon (1)
       yum.conf (5)
       yum-updatesd (8)
       package-cleanup (1)
       repoquery (1)
       yum-complete-transaction (1)
       yumdownloader (1)
       yum-utils (1)
       yum search yum

       See the Authors file included with this program.

       There of course aren't any bugs, but if you find any, you should  first
       consult  the  Faq  mentioned  above  and  then  email the mailing list:
       yum@lists.linux.duke.edu or filed in bugzilla.

Seth Vidal                                                              yum(8)

시스템->기본설정->화면해상도에서 변경하고자 하는 해상도 선택후 적용하면 됨..

싱글모드 부팅...

패스워드 잊어버리는 바람에 ...알게된...부팅모드이다...



처음 화면....

아무키나 눌러란다~

엔터는 아닌것 같고 방향키나 스페이스키를 눌렀다..



여기서 부팅할 OS를 선택하라고 하는데

선택된 상태에서 엔터~치면 부팅된다 -_-;;;

지금 목적은 싱글모드로 부팅할꺼니까...

선택하고 e를 눌러준다...


여기서 다시 e를 눌러준다.


그리고 가장 뒤에 single이라고 추가하고 엔터!


그럼 다시 이전에 봤던 화면이 나오는데...

여기서 편집했던 행에서 b를 눌러준다..(booting)


그럼 아래와 같이 부팅화면이 나온다...



부팅이 다 된 뒤의 화면이다..

sh-3.2# 이라고 커서가 깜빡거리고 있다..



그럼 아래 콘솔 화면에서와 같이 passwd 명령을 통해

수퍼유저의 비밀번호를 변경할 수 있다. 그리고 reboot~




1. 페도라 9에서 바뀐 것...


 링크의 3번째 항목에 보면 아래와 같이 안내를 하고 있는데....흠...

Consolidated network booting ISO image, replacing old boot.iso, diskboot.img, and rescuecd.iso

딸리는 영어로 대충 해석해 보면...지난 boot.iso, diskboot.img, rescuecd.iso 를 대신해서

네트웍 부팅 ISO 이미지로 통합(?)되었다는 내용이다...흠...


그런데 파일 이름이 구체적으로 나오지 않는다.

아래 링크를 참고 해서 원하는 파일을 구하면된다..



그래서 지금 필요한건 ? boot.iso를 구하면 되는거다....필요하다고 생각되는 건 모조리 다운 받고 보니...

boot.iso와 Fedora-9-i386-netinst.iso 파일이 동일한 사이즈를 가지고 있다.

속성을 봐도 동일한 사이즈다...아무래도 같은 파일인 것 같다...부팅 이미지 만들때 실험..;;

 역시나 만들어진다...-_-;

2. 페도라 9 USB 부팅 이미지 만들기...

아래 링크에서 나와있듯이..


 순서대로 진행해도 되고...



 윈도우에서도 쉽게 만들 수 있는 방법도 있다...툴을 제공..흠..엄청 좋아진듯한...




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